Te Ara | Our Process
Below outlines how we plan to support you on your journey to becoming tender ready so that we can help you secure local government contract opportunities.
To ensure we understand where your business is at on your tender readiness journey you will be required to complete a ‘simple’ online needs assessment before we catch up for a hui. This basically tells us what business development support you require (HR, H&S, tendering, contract management, capital etc.).
We then meet ā kanohi or online for whakawhanaungatanga. This is an opportunity to further kōrero about your business needs and how we can support you to access government contracts and become a supply chain link.
Once we have a clear picture of where your business is at and what you need we will put together an action plan of all the things required to get you tender ready.
Working with our external Māori specialists and informed by your PPP, Whāia will pathway you into the appropriate training and support.
While you complete the required business development we will be working in the background with government agencies to identify, access and enable contract opportunities. Based on your readiness to meet any minimum requirements we will advocate on your behalf.